Event Requests
Writing Fellows are available to collaborate with R.A.s and other campus leaders on drop-in hours, workshops, or other projects. If you would like to work with Writing Fellows in any capacity outside attached classes or the Writing Center, though, please email writing@barnard.edu with your request at least two weeks before you'd like to work with a Fellow.
If you are requesting a Writing Fellow to host drop-in hours email writing.barnard.edu. In the email, include: the name of the event, location, time, and how many fellows you would like to attend. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
Writing Fellows are students balancing their academic, personal, and work schedules. As such, please email us at least two weeks before your event to request a fellow.
Writing Fellows have attended R.A. events, student organization/club meetings, and hosted drop-in hours for departments and programs. If you're unsure if a Writing Fellow should be at your event, email writing.barnard.edu and we can discuss!